Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Final Thoughts on the Festival

The first annual Amagansett Fine Arts Festival was a great success.

I spent quite a bit of time talking to all of the exhibiting artists, and I couldn't help but be deeply impressed by the exceptional level of quality and integrity from one presentation to the next. Every artist was more than happy to talk about their process, and I gained a deep appreciation of each of their challenges and triumphs, as described in detail with the examples on display. I can't help be proud of this first small group, to realize that this hand-selected bunch all embraced the most important aspect of being an exhibitor--that they understood the importance of educating the public. This is where artists of integrity will rise up to be teachers, to illuminate their audience with insight and perspective. To educate the public is a crucial part of building the foundation for a solid marketing base. The few times I could walk the show and quietly observe, I was thrilled to see artists discussing their work, and not merely selling their products. This is what I want to see this show become, a destination event for our audience to be enlightened by each and every one of these noble visionaries.

Of course we've set the bar high with this first event, and soon it will be time to raise it even higher for next year. I have to thank the American Legion for their help and generosity, Cheryl for arranging details and for feeding the hungry masses, Steve Oliver for his cool and unwavering assistance despite the hurdles of getting the event off the ground, and above all, the artists that put their trust in me, and drove the whole way out to the end of the world to take a chance on a sun-drenched grassy field in the heat of July. And of course lastly, my lovely wife, for being by my side through it all, as well as being such a gracious hostess to all of the artists.

And of course Frank, just for being Frank.

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